
my fave archeodaria

my fave archeodaria

the darialogist is having a week off…

see you next week for a bit of update!

artist & art


daria and her bird at the stoke auction on the 16th of may.
thanks to the commenter who indicated me the pic.

i love spain

esteban deepics by santiago esteban for spanih magazine hola (2008) here (click on photographers and then on esteban).

pretty in pink

57493176crayolapink123520200933440pmshe was in spain the oher day to get some essential prize like the most beautiful face of the year. more later. meanwhile you can enjoy a few pics here.
event was called something like glamour beleza and took place in madrid on the 20th of may. i much prefer this outfit and style to what she was wearing at the met. she (?) got to personalise stella mccartney with the pink blazer and with her very darish balmain boots, to avoid, as i read in a blog, ‘girly overkill’. and if you want to compare her to celebrities wearing the same dress, have a look here. now i feel like a fashion blogger!!


87440984a bit more on the stroke event at modelina (found through tinsley). nice to know that she had been snowboarding – or at least trying to! – in the previous 2 weeks (maybe she meant 10 days, cos met took place on the 4th and on the 14th she went to that other event… – but see comments). such a sporty girl!! who knows if kennyboy was with her! anyways, she gave a drawing of hers to the auction, title was ‘freebird’. freebird, freedaria!
so as a final comment i will say that i’m not always that fond of charity events. maybe it’s just the concept of charity that i don’t like, cos charity often does nothing long-term substantial to change social reasons of unjustice or poverty. that being said, i prefer seeing daria hosting events like that than going to the latest red carpet. also because we got very cute natural pics instead of clumsy make ups and cemiterial expressions! 🙂
*** just found this pic at this other blog:

stroke on stoke

charity cuteness

charity cuteness

i’m in a rush, i can’t post properly – even there’s little to comment about, i’d say. more pictures here.

the real sexy cowgirl

other ppl in the pics were deleted

this is the cowgirl we like! a very in shape daria from harper’s bazaar avedon afterparty in ny, not that retouched heterosexist-ized version by testino in v59… :pppp

i didn’t understand when this event exactly took place. if you want to know more see source. there you can also see full pics, cos you know i just focused on our girl and removed a certain darialogistically pointless man.  yeah, me acid and militant!! :p and btw, girls, i know you are all there drooling!!! [and when will irony be understood in this world?!]

[and then something rather unrelated, but i feel so angry as gay and as italian that i have to spread the awful coincidence of 2 events taking place in moscow today. words are unnecessary: gay repression vs. berlusconi visiting]

usual precooked words

blah blah amazing...

blah blah amazing...

a few images and a few words here.

lady gala 2

this is a vid that a nice reader suggested to me at facebook. daria is talking twice in the final part. i didn’t fully understand what she’s saying the second time. any typing of it will be very appreciated!

daria for good

i have been a lazy darialogist in the latest days! i have a few hq or good quality pics to link at and i haven’t done it yet. i’m not at home now, so maybe i’ll do it when i’m back home. meanwhile let me post a link to an initiative i have been known for a few days, since deborah first posted the link at tfs.

at the top of the world

top of the world

yeah, as the pic (courtesy of miss jockilla) suggests, daria is quitting modeling and joining canadian snowboard team!! kidding… even if i might like the idea: no more political conflicts inside myself! so, no quitting yet, she’s hosting a charity event in ny next saturday. this event is organised by a no profit association called stoked that helps young ppl at risk providing sport opportunities. if you want to read how daria got involved in this project, read the article at just ignore the idiotic part on daria’s legs and consider that certainly having daria as a host will give the event a little more visibility. so fans and admirers from ny, you know where the right thing is at this week!

turning exotic into dariotic

i'm not here

i'm not here

this breathtaking shot is an unexpected appendix posted today by ladyflash.  i still don’t have time to post properly. just 2 things. 1) this editorial is a proof of how more subtle and refined patrick demarchelier is than ‘hammerio’ testino. could you imagine what messy kitsch editorial would testino have shot? 2) did stylist and crew forget to bring jewellery with them? all accessories are daria’s and stylist’s!! and rings by *cough cough kennyboy*, that evidently daria has to somehow pay… i meant, to somehow help!! :p

indaria summer

indariait’s because of intense dramatic expressions like this that ‘indian summer’ editorial by patrick demarchelier is much less horrible than i was expecting. i mean, some collective images are just a bit cheesy, but daria saves it all as usual!! more tomorrow. meanwhile enjoy the editorial here and here. MORE TOMORROW -i’m about to faint on the bed.

lady gala


and when i was about to put down the usual comment on boredaria so evidently hating being there in any pore of hers, i was pleased to see these pictures that show our girl at the best of her natural attitude. go daria, you know we like you this way!

so i can’t really understand those who said she looked fabolous at the event. she looked like a fabolous disaster! dress was rather opinable, hair was the usual mess, make-up was unbalanced with those smokey aggressive eyes and pale face and lips and – as usual with too strong make-up – there was a drag effect that i wouldn’t exactly define as charming… she looked like she had said ‘do whatever you want, but be as fast as you can and don’t bother me too much’. the result is that she was everything but elegant and classy. i still think ot her 2005 white chanel dress… beautiful! i wonder if those ppl who styled are so disoriented – or worried – that they just interpretate her un-adhesion to gender stereotypes as a matter of pushing hard and going smokey and all rock…  anyways, she was a style mess, but a lovely style mess indeed, as usual.

as a consolation let’s enjoy this pic (from that was taken at an event last saturday, “spring field’. guy has a name, but i’ve forgotten it meanwhile. i think he’s a creative director.

indian colonialism?

daria is featured in the june issue of uk vogue in an editorial entitled indian summer by patrick demarchelier… member at tfs definied it as a ‘standard daria editorial’… i’m afraid it can be a new exotic colonialist kitsch editorial, like testino in peru, argentina or marocco… :ssss let’s see… expectations are low.

meet at the met… or boredaria is back

e5qvwnthis is all we got at the moment. neither getty nor pmc list her in the captions… so….
no slices of butt in view this year. maybe it’s a sober post-recession spirit. looks like make-up is inspired to vogue paris ‘esprit libre’ and i think make-up artist was the same. nothing new. i would have like someting more daring!!

please note her evident pleasure to be at that event. happiness is spread from hair to boots!! all the pics were posted at her tfs thread, from page 50 on.